Visiting the beautiful towns of Scilla and Reggio Calabria and the museum where the famous


Scilla in the northern part of the Strait of Messina, is a charming town towards the sea. Always subject of legends, myths and mysteries: from the narratives of Homer to the mythological Scylla (the legend of Scylla and Charybdis) is one of the most beautiful villages of Calabria. Among the main attractions: the harbour, the castle, several churches but especially the fishermen's quarter called "Chianalea", consisting of the little houses on the seashore, small alleys, narrow staircases and many small old fountains.

Reggio Calabria is one of the oldest cities in Europe and in the 5th century B.C. was one of the most important cities in Magna Grecia, when it reached huge artistic and cultural value thanks to the schools of Pythagorean philosophy, sculpture and poetry. It was called by D'Annunzio "the most beautiful kilometre in Italy" because of its unique and wonderful walk along the waterfront of the city. Among the attractions not to be missed are the Cathedral, various churches, beautiful squares, noble palaces and most of all the famous Riace Bronzes, two Greek statues of the 5th century B.C. discovered in the Ionian Sea floor in 1972. You can admire them in the important National Museum together with a wonderful collection of Hellenistic finds.