Visiting the downtown of Pizzo, the beaches and the little Church of Piedigrotta


Pizzo Calabro is one of the most visited site of the beach tourism in Calabria. The village is located on the coast overlooking the sea of the S. Eufemia gulf. Among the main monuments of Pizzo there is the castle built by Ferdinand I d 'Aragon called Murat castle to commemorate the execution of Joachim Murat in 1815. Other important points of interest are: the baroque church of S. George that has inside a wooden Crucifix from the 17th century and various old statues from the 16th century including the statue of S.Giovanni Battista attributed to Pietro Bernini. It is suggested also a visit to the Museum of the Sea, the church of S. Francesco di Paola and S. Rocco, the little church of Piedigrotta, completely dug in the tuff rocks whose legend tells that at the end of 1600 a sailing ship was sailing in the gulf far a mile at north of Pizzo and because of a storm it sank. The captain, foreseeing the imminent death, gathered his men in front of Madonna di Piedigrotta's picture and they began to preach and vowed, in case of salvation, to build a little church nearby the coast. The crew of the ship thought about the happened miracle and built the little votive church putting The Madonna's picture over the little altar.The downtown of Pizzo is also characterized by alleys, that interlace themselves in a labyrinth of ups and downs, by historical palaces, old fountains and squares, like piazza della Repubblica where it is possible to taste the famous and delicious ice cream "Tartufo di Pizzo". In the past fishing was the main activity of the inhabitants of Pizzo, actually tuna is one of the most important local products.